So in the newspaper this week, there have been several articles pertaining to pretrial motions. M. Knight's lawyer is asking for a change of venue because he feels that his client cannot get a fair trial in Westmoreland County. A. Marinucci's lawyer wants her confession thrown out and is going to try to get her trial moved to juvenile court.
So we aren't even into the meat and potatoes of the trial yet and I'm terrified about this whole situation. So M. K. thinks he has a better chance of a fair trial elsewhere. Does he honestly think that just because a jury isn't local or privy to the case details before trial, that they will find him less guilty? Come on you dumb ass, people are human. They have consciences, they love, they respect life, they may even know a person like Jennifer. Guilty here is the same as guilty there, wherever that may be. Rather than worrying about where his trial will be, he needs to worry more about where his soul will end up. Maybe he should concentrate more on remorse, acknowledging what he did was (beyond) wrong and perhaps asking for forgiveness.
I honestly don't know how I can/will deal with this if A.M. only has to serve time until she turns 21, if her trial is moved to juvenile court. This girl is a menace to society and for her lawyer to say she isn't a threat to society is ludicrous. Perhaps if he has a sister, he should let A.M. hangout with her a see how confident he feels about that statement.
I understand that they must have a fair trial. All I have to say the legal counsel of these sick bastards is this; How well will you sleep at night when this is all said and done with?
The legal counsel for those accused is appointed by the court. As long as they are qualified, any attorney could be called. As for A.M.'s lawyer, he has a wife and kids, so he would know how it feels. I know you are hurting, and this is a horrible thing to go through, but I also feel that you need to put yourself in the shoes of everyone else. Also, I think it is very hypocritical of you to be such a supporter of the defendants getting the death penalty while still professing yourself to be a Christian. What happened to forgiveness and cherishing human life??
ReplyDeleteI had a very ugly reply 2 this horseshit but i erased it and now im trying again! I'm positive if this shit happened 2 someone u or the shit lawyer loved, then ur tune would be quite different but I have a feeling that ur family or friends of these monsters and too embarrassed to admit it! These P.O.S need the death penalty or life with no parole! U can't see it because how close u and one of the defendants are. But, now that this has happened to Jen, would u let one of them hang out with ur daughter? I think not and if so, then u R NO BETTER. So, put that in ur pipe and smoke it... May these MONSTERS BE PUT 2 DEATH IN THE MOST PAINFUL WAY POSSIBLE! Or maybe we can save the tax payers money by accidentally putting all of them in General Population so the inmates can take care of the trash 4 us! Oh God, I would rather see that or castration!
DeleteHuman life! Jen had a human life but those MONSTERS aren't human, they're pond scum or shit. Humans? None of them are human, they R demons.....
DeleteTo the annoymous person. I firmly believe in an eye for an eye. They all 6 deserve to have everything they did to my sweet beautiful cousin done to them. Believe me i know there are a ton of people that agree me on this also. Being a christian doesnt make it so you turn the other cheek to murders to have to watch it happen again to someone else.
DeleteDear"Anonymous "
Delete��First cause your a scared ass bitch, second don't you EVER tell theses ppl to walk in ANYONE shoes. Dont bring YOUR religion into shit either. Get fucked dumbshit
" God bless" Danielle Herrin friend /family of Jennifer
First off, unless you are a "member" of this really crappy club, you will never understand and I hope you never have to. Until you have taken 1 step in my shoes, don't dare call me hypocritical. I struggle to be a Christian, depending on the day. After the last 8 months of my life, I'm not sure who/what I believe in. My religion has been stolen, just like my sister. Second, it is NOT my job to forgive. My only job (as far as Jenny is concerned) is to FIGHT. Don't you dare lecture me about cherishing human life; do you really think I'M the one who needs the lecture on humanity? You do not know anything about me, the life I lead now or the person I used to be. Can you imagine what the last image I have of my sister is? I had to make funeral arrangements for my 30 year old sister. I had to listen to confessions of how she was murdered. I had to watch one of her murderers laugh in a court room during his confession. While I truly, desperatly try to live through the worst, most agonizing moments of my life, you question me and my attempts to cope. And you call yourself a Christian?
ReplyDeleteI'm extremely sorry for your loss. I am however a longterm friend of Melvin Knight. I do not condone what he did, but I know he is mentally ill & borderline retarded. I have had a relative murdered brutaly, but at the same time, I never once said "I hope who did this goes to hell, or gets the death penalty." - I am a Roman Catholic. I do believe in karma, however, you can't call yourself a Christian if you want him to die. I have been through the same thing, and in the past year, my bestfriend, father, and cousin have died. My lifes been hell, Melvin was always there for me. I hadn't talked to him in a few months prior to this happening, but the last time I had talked to him, he was there comforting me. I have had enough people ripped out of my life, I do not want the guy who has become my brother taken away too. It hurts me to know that you and your family are going through this. It also hurts me to know he is going through this. I'm not asking you to forgive Melvin, but I believe he is innocent until proven guilty. I have known him all the 16 years of my life. He would do anything to make friends. He is a follower, not a leader. He always bought me and my sister stuffed animals and flowers. He dated my sister on and off for about four years. I can't believe this happened, however he doesn't deserve the death penalty, he deserves a mental instituion if proven guilty. I don't know your sister, but if you accurately described her, she wouldn't want anyone to die. I understand how hard it is, and I feel terrible for you and your family. But how do you think Melvin's mom feels? You are getting letters of support, she is getting hate-mail & is dealing with the fact this happened, and the fact she is losing her son. I just feel the need to speak on his behalf, I will be his support system, as will my family. Nothing he ever does or is suspected of doing will ever change the fact that my family & I love him. I understand your pain, and the mourning process is hell. But please, stop judging him. There has to be a reason for him acting the way he acts in court. He's extremely hurt, and I don't know if he's guilty or not. All of them have different stories. No one will ever know what truely happened. But my message to you is, do not wish death on anyone, there is no coming back from death. I am not trying to harrass you, threaten you, or condone violence, nor am i trying to say I am okay with what happened to your sister. But you need to redirect your anger, to help this from not happening to other people. I am so sorry for your loss once again, & I am praying for you and your family.
ReplyDeleteHe has been forgiven but ol' Melvin needs 2 worry more about the the Lord God Almighty! With that being said, I am in full support of Melvin and all of the other MONSTERS 2 receive the death penalty. What they did was heinous, sick and absolutely horrible and I HOPE that if they don't get death, then life with no possibility of parole should be implemented. And, if u don't think so, then let ur daughter, wife, mom or friend be Melvin's new BF! Have u thought nothing of what Jen went through?!? Think about it 4 a minute, she was tied up, raped, tortured, force fed drugs and detergent. Then, wrapped in Xmas lights and what did those MONSTERS REGRET, Oh Man, too bad we don't have batteries so the lights would blink when people find her! No ur right, Melvin sounds like an awesome guy! I think not and ur right maybe Death isn't right, how about general population where he can get abused everyday and then maybe he will feel 1% of what Jen felt. Jen thought these SHITHEELS were her friends, oh kinda like how u think Melvin is ur friend. But u can't be buddies with a sociopath. Even if he's special needed, I have 2 special needed children, one that's 9 and the other that's 10 and they know that murder, rape and torture is WRONG! U can't tell me that he didn't know what he was doing was wrong? What, was he so stupid that u had 2 take him 2 the potty and hold his dick? Fuck off with that shit. Ur as sick as that MONSTER AND ALL OF OTHER MONSTERS!
DeleteTo nattttxo.. friend's with this horrible. Are you kidding! Whatever he was to u n ur sister doesn't change what he n the other monsters did to this poor girl. Your just a as sick if u think anyones wrong for judging them! As for him mom... i feel bad for her but im sure she sees how horrible her sons actionable were.
DeleteSeriously, you're on a victim's memorial page and defending one of the murderers? I get it, he was a family friend, but it is VERY poor taste and insensitive to post this on the victim's page! WOW
DeleteI publically lose my sister everytime there is a court appearance. I relive her murder, in grapic detail, nearly every night. I don't sleep much and I sometimes have panic attacks in public. I still have a family to take care of and a job to perform. Melvin Knight is guilty, as well as the other five. I am sorry for your losses. I am a lost christian. I believe in God, but I have a hard relationship too. I appreciate your opinion, but I don't agree with it and you as me. I have never expressed any ill feelings towards any defendents family. As a matter of fact, I hugged and cried with Melvins mother and father. I told them I was sorry for their loss. They are victims too. As for his behavior in court, he seems more amused than concerned for his future. He listed his occupation as "i kill white people" on his prison intake form. My sisters MURDER was not an accident; it was intentional, personal and brutal. He attempted SEVERAL times to kill her before succeeding. Again, I feel sorry for you but I walk through hell everyday. And the truth is, if they would have let Jennifer go at anytime, she would have forgiven them. She probably would not have told me who did those things to her. She would have still been their friend. My sister was good and kind. My job is NOT to forgive nor forget. I guess that does make be a bad christian, but a christian none the less.
ReplyDeletePS. I was supposed to make lasagna and cheesecake for a family dinner tonight, but my heart could not do it. Jennifer would have been 31 years old today. Honor my sister and do something beautiful with your life. You are young and the world is at your fingertips.
U R AMAZING, Joy and a true inspiration! Im sorry I went off on ur blog but I couldn't read and not defend u, Jen and ur family. God bless and I've got ur back.
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